IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes the report of the ‘Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture’ providing a common framework for action to reach the EU’s environmental goals in the agri-food system. The recommendations bridge the EU’s objectives by proposing concrete steps and strategies for implementation.
The so-called ‘Strategic Dialogue’ shows that a transition to sustainable agri-food systems is necessary and there are solutions that work for farmers, nature and society.
Jan Plagge, IFOAM Organics Europe’s President, took part in the dialogue and shares his views: “The Strategic Dialogue was not a walk in the park, but it proved to be a valuable initiative to move beyond the current polarisation on agriculture issues. The dialogue succeeded in identifying a common way forward for EU agriculture considering it should be within the planetary boundaries and reconcile environmental sustainability with a fair income for farmers. There is broad agreement that transitioning to sustainable farming systems is necessary and should pay off for farmers. This will mean a significant reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) so it adequately rewards organic farmers and offers real financial added value for the environmental services they are providing.”
The European organic movement looks forward to seeing how the EU institutions will realise the recommendations, namely in the EU’s ‘Vision for Agriculture and Food’ and in Commission President Von der Leyen’s continued support of stakeholders’ engagement. We also look forward to being involved in the process of implementing these recommendations within the advisory board that will be established by the European Commission.
On organic’s role as leading choice to reach this common goal, Jan Plagge continued: “The Strategic Dialogue recommendations recognise organic farming as the only regulated sustainable production system that already delivers environmental and climate protection, and as prime example of a food production system that reconciles nature protection and farmers’ income. If policymakers implement the recommendations, organic farming would be further strengthened and more attractive in a food system in which the sustainable choice would be the easiest.”
Background information
About the strategic dialogue
During her September 2023 State of the Union, European Commission President von der Leyen launched the ‘Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture’. Over several months, the Strategic Dialogue brought together stakeholders across the supply chain – NGOs, farmers, trade and retailers organisations. They developed recommendations aimed at addressing the current challenges farmers are facing.
Jan Plagge, President of IFOAM Organics Europe, was among the participants of the Strategic Dialogue. More information on the European Commission’s website on the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture.
Organic and the Strategic Dialogue
Organic farming is the only sustainable farming system regulated by EU legislation since 1991. It has multiple benefits for biodiversity, climate, water and soils and as such it already drives the transformation to sustainable agri-food systems. Organic also contributes to job creation and revitalising rural areas.
The Strategic Dialogue’s report recognises organic’s important role as the leading legally regulated sustainable agricultural system and includes several recommendations on how to strengthen and reinforce the organic sector:
- Adequate funding through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to support the conversion and maintenance of organic farms;
- A balanced development of supply and demand by stimulating the demand for organic products, such as through sustainable public procurement;
- Strengthening the organic market by investing in promoting the European organic logo in EU and third countries and supporting organic retailers and processors by more coherent requirements and less burdensome rules and controls;
- Enhance funding for organic research within European innovation partnerships and upcoming EU research programmes;
- Establish policies and funding mechanisms for knowledge creation and dissemination and mainstream education to organic farming and agroecology in agricultural training;
- Foster the growth of organic farming networks and advisory services at national and EU level;
- A CAP that remunerates farmers for the benefits they are providing for ecosystem functions;
- Organic farming featuring as the highest level within an animal welfare labelling;
- Bio-districts as an example to follow for rural development;
- Reducing administrative burden for farmers who are already engaged in certified sustainable farming methods in a tailored approach.
IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. With almost 200 members in 34 European countries, our work spans the entire organic food chain and beyond: from farmers and processors organisations, retailers, certifiers, consultants, traders, and researchers to environmental and consumer advocacy bodies.