Dept of Agriculture—Review of import conditions for brassicaceous crop seeds for sowing
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Organic industry reports
In response to the industry’s request for comments on: A Proposed Roadmap for Australia’s organic industry 2018 (Wynen-Clay)
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Examining the Ideal Structure for a Peak Organic Representative Body (Natalie Collard)
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Organic standards
Research and development
General research
(689.38 KB)
Submission on the Domestic Organic Regulatory Framework: Consultation regulatio… (
(100.13 KB)
Submission on the regulation of the export of organic products (Consumers' Fede… (
Reduction in urinary organophosphate pesticide metabolites in adults after a week-long organic diet
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Organics in the Global Food Chain
(1.52 MB)
A history of the organic agriculture movement in Australia (John Paull) (
Australia’s organic trilemma: public versus private organic food standardisation (Stephen Hall)
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Standards and compliance systems for organic and bio-dynamic agriculture in Australia: Past, present and future (Els Wynen)
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Journal of Organic Systems (
An Anthropological Approach to the Evaluation of Preschool Children Exposed to Pesticides in Mexico
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Environmental Health Perspectives (
Government policy
Domestic Organic Regulatory Framework: Consultation regulation impact statement (Dept of Agriculture)
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Cost benefit analysis for the implementation of a mandatory domestic organic standard (Deloitte Access Economics)
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