Organic Industries of Australia is the unified voice for Australia's organic industries to negotiate policy reforms with Governments and that helps the industry to capitalise on the growing global demand for organic products.
Organic Industries of Australia Ltd
Organic Industries of Australia was originally established as an incorporated association and is now a company limited by guarantee—established as a company on 6 September 2018 (ACN 628643998).
The objectives of Organic Industries of Australia are to:
- facilitate an organic industry which has an authoritative voice that enhances the fortunes of all Australian certified organic operators, through advocacy, education and transparent representation
- improve the competitiveness of certified organic operators through effective advocacy to governments, with industry stakeholders, and in respect of research and development
- promote the integrity of certified organic productions systems
- promote industry development and educate producers and consumers in respect of certified organic production
- facilitate collaboration across supply chains and improve domestic and export market access for certified organic operators
- promote widespread uptake of sustainable farming systems and markets based on organic principles and imbued with a culture of innovation, of progressive improvement towards best practice, of transparent integrity, of inclusive collaboration, of holistic systems, and of true value pricing
The Australian Organic Industry Working Group (AOIWG)
During 2017 and 2018, the AOIWG developed a roadmap to improve the representation of Australia's organic industry.
The AOIWG consisted of industry leaders from across Australia collaborating on establishing a harmonised national voice for all organic producers, certifiers and the supply chain.
The AOIWG was formed following a round of consultations with the office of the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources on how to increase the competitiveness of the organic sector.
In an expression of unity at the Love Organic symposium (14&15 February 2018 in Canberra), Australia’s organic industries agreed to establish a new peak body that is the voice for Australia’s organic industries in regard to policy and market access.
The vision endorsed by all industry delegates was:
To create a unified voice for Australia’s organic industries to negotiate policy reforms with Governments and that helps the industry capitalise on the growing global demand for organic products.
Organic Federation of Australia
The Organic Federation of Australia (OFA) was established in 1998 as the representative industry body for the organic & biodynamic industry in Australia.
Its objectives were to work in co-operation with all sectors of industry and government to develop the Australian organic industry from a niche industry into a significant component of Australian agriculture and deliver benefits & growth to consumers, producers, processors, retailers and the Australian environment.
The members of OFA played an instrumental role in establishing Organic Industries of Australia (OIA Ltd).
In 2021, OFA members acknowledged that its role had by then been assumed by OIA Ltd, and so agreed to wind-up OFA. The records and assets of OFA were transferred to OIA Ltd.