All Full members (certified organic operators)
All Associates (all other members)
Date and time
The Annual General Meeting for Organic Industries of Australia Ltd will be convened at 10.00am on Friday 22 November 2024 (Sydney time) via video and phone conference only.
AGM venue
Videoconference – Registration details will be provided by 1 November 2024.
AGM Business
- Election of a chair for the meeting
- Confirmation of previous minutes
- Annual General Meeting on 26/10/2023
- Annual financial report
- Financial statements for 2023-24
- Auditor’s report—Members decided not to appoint an auditor for 2023-24
- Report from the Board of Directors
- Election of Directors
- Appointment of an auditor for 2024-25
- Strategic planning
No further items can be considered at the AGM.
Agenda papers will be available on the website by 1 November 2024.
Draft Minutes from last year’s AGM are available at link. Please review the draft and propose any amendments prior to circulation of the agenda papers.
Election of directors
Nominations for the position of Director may be emailed from a financial full member to secretary@organicindustries.org.au no later than 5pm on 31 October 2024.
The email should include carbon copies (CC:) of the person being nominated for director and the financial full member seconding the nomination. The inclusion of these people in the email will be taken as consent to the nomination. Nominations may also be made in person or by post.
Nominations must be proposed and seconded by financial Full Members of OIA Ltd. A financial full member is an organic operator who does not have prior year membership fees outstanding.
Directors do not need to be certified organic operators or members.
Performing the duties of a director of the peak body for the organic industry is a challenging and also rewarding opportunity to serve in an industry leadership role. The Board usually meets approximately 4-6 times annually, and directors may also take on additional tasks or serve on a committee. Most meetings are convened by teleconference, but the Board may meet in person several times a year. Directors are not remunerated.
Over the last year, the Board has been meeting informally on a weekly basis due to the range of issues being dealt with.
If you would like further information about the role, please feel free to contact the Secretary, the Chair or any of the other directors.
The procedure for the election of directors
The AGM will first decide how many directors to appoint. The minimum is 7 and the maximum is 11.
Directors are elected for a term of 2 years. This year, there are 3 continuing directors. The remaining director positions will be declared vacant. There will be a minimum of 4 vacant positions to fill.
- The continuing directors are Peter Hislop Speers, Ian James, Anthony Walsgott
- Jacky Williams retired as a Director on 14 June
- The retiring directors are Andrew Cowan, Janie McClure, Tim Marshall
Retiring directors may be nominated to be directors for a further term, provided they don’t serve more than 3 two‑year terms.
No nomination will be accepted from the floor of the meeting unless there are insufficient nominations received by the due date for the positions that are vacant.
If the number of candidates is less than or equal to the number of vacancies, then all candidates are duly elected as director.
If there are more candidates than the number of vacancies, the Company Secretary will conduct a preferences based secret ballot.
Voting rights at the meeting
Each Full Member present is entitled to vote on any resolution put at any General Meeting and have one (1) vote. The Full Member may cast their vote either:
- in person at a General Meeting; or
- by Direct Vote.
Associates are entitled to be present but are not entitled to a vote at any General Meeting (or Annual General Meeting) of the Company.
To be financial, a member must have paid their previous year membership fees—i.e. for 2023-24. A member does not cease to be financial if their 2024-25 membership fees are not paid prior to the AGM.
Where Full Members are entitled to cast votes to any or all of the resolutions (including special resolutions) proposed to be considered at, and specified in the notice convening, a General Meeting, the Full Member may cast those votes by Direct Vote. A Direct Vote is not valid unless the Direct Vote is electronically submitted to the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the time of the General Meeting. A Member who casts a Direct Vote is entitled to attend a meeting. The Member is entitled to re-cast their vote on resolutions the subject of the Direct Vote at that meeting.
A poll may be demanded on any resolution at a meeting of Members, by any Full Member or by the Chair.
The Company does not permit proxy arrangements.
Tony Webster
Company Secretary
0448 439 334
Voice of Australia's organic industry
Organic Industries of Aust Ltd (ABN 31 458 679 398)