The Election By-Laws are normally amended by a resolution of the Board of Directors.
1. These Membership By-Laws are made pursuant to clause 12.3(a) of the Constitution. Date of effect 7/12/2020
2. The Company Secretary may arrange for the election to be conducted using an electronic voting system. Where such a system is employed, and the preferential votes of financial full members can be calculated automatically by the system, the role of the scrutineers is to be confident that the system produces an accurate tally of the results. Date of effect 7/12/2020
3. Where an electronic voting system is employed, voting members must be able to amend their ballot paper at any time until the election is closed and the results tallied. Date of effect 7/12/2020
4. Where no written nominations are received for candidates to fill a Director vacancy, nominations may be accepted from the members present at the AGM and, if there are more nominations than vacant positions, an election will be conducted at the AGM. Date of effect 28/11/2018